Novell Netware bug

Dan Thorson (
Thu Aug 18 09:37:29 1994

I don't know if anybody cares about Novell Netware bugs in this list, but I
thought I'd post it just in case.
We've discovered (inadvertantly) a denial-of-service bug in the printserver
mechanism.  If an application attempts to print an extremely large file, the
SYS volume will overflow, and crash the file server.  I believe that the
following would do it, but I have not tried....
void main(void)
    while (1==1)
compile and run this with the output redirected to LPTx: which has been
captured to a network printer.
If this msg doesn't belong on bugtrack, please don't flame me, just ignore it,
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
Dan Thorson --
Seagate Technology   -   920 Disc Drive   -   Scotts Valley, CA 95066 USA
Main Phone 408-438-6550   -   Email Problems
Technical Support: BBS 408-438-8771  Fax 408-438-8137  Voice 408-438-8222  

### OGATE Version 8 message trace and attachment information:
### MsgFileName: m:\mgate\outbound\132.MSG
### Org Date:    08-18-94 09:26:29 AM
### From:        Dan Thorson@SEAGATE
### To:          bugtraq @ @ internet
### Subject:     Novell Netware bug
### Attachments: none